Year 6 (ISB Primary) helped plant trees and bushes to create new woodland locally during Breda Tree Festival Week organised by the local council. The local community organises various initiatives to encourage children’s involvement in the nature around them and teachers keep themselves informed of these initiatives and how to register for them.
Tree Planting

- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: It is important to maintain a good collaboration with local organisations/City Council to see what activities are being organised locally and how the students can get involved. For the children to fully engage with the activity, the topic/event should be discussed in class beforehand and children given sufficient time to reflect on the activity and prepare their own questions before the event.
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: Year 6 were actively involved in helping to plant new trees and bushes in an area just outside the city limits and had great fun digging and planting in order to create new woodland. They learnt the importance of planting a variety of trees in order to minimise the damage in the event of disease hitting a particular species as well as learning more about the local birds and fauna in the area. They fully engaged in the activity as well as understanding the important role trees play in combating climate change by helping to retain water, provide shade, filter pollutants from the air and provide food, living space and protection for all kinds of plants and animals.
- School: International School Breda