
Paper Usage at School
A sub-group of students involved in the Litter & Waste Theme. We researched and took surveys of how much paper was being printed each week and how much paper ended up in our paper recycling bins. We did this by getting younger students to count in their classes over 5 weeks and taking an average across subjects. We put this together with a priced-proposal and sent it to the school management team for their consideration.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Get in touch with the right people for printing numbers, it took us a long time to get the right people to find the number of sheets of paper we print each week.
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: Through this project I have noticed that our school uses a lot of paper for printouts and for notes in general. I have realized that many teachers print out sheets of paper when we only use it to look at the worksheets or just to read texts and then answer the questions in our notebooks. Instead of printing them out for us to write in our notebooks we should minimize our paper usage. I have also noticed that many people throw away their notebooks at the end of the year and I feel like this is a waste of resources because all that paper is not reused, it can be recycled but we still use paper as a one time appliance, which is why something more effective and reusable should be used. I believe that this project is very beneficial and interesting because we are finding ways to be more sustainable as a school and I believe that students should also be more mindful of their paper usage. The project is a great opportunity to find long term solutions to the extensive paper usage that comes with the lifestyle of the school. Overall the printing of worksheets have been limited since the beginning of this project and the end, which is another observation I made, but the problem of notebooks still remains. We sent our proposal to the school management to consider.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: Fellow Eco-Club students and by talking to the concierge staff to find out about printing numbers.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)

Global Issues Network day
Students in partnership with staff have planned and organised this GIN day for students at ISH and students from other schools in the Netherlands. Here is the website link:
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Have fun working together :) Connect to outside organisations. Here is the website link:
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: Global Issues Network Day is a conference that brings together global citizens who are addressing local-global issues. The conference is held to empower today's youth to collaborate locally, regionally, and globally in order to create solutions for our shared global goals. We pride ourselves on being a student organised body, and with students at the helm, we have created an experience that integrates climate change activism, design thinking, community building, and diversity acceptance. Participants are encouraged to challenge societal norms and keep sustainable conscientious learning, living, and culture in mind whilst experiencing youth-led and facilitated workshops focused on leadership, collaboration, sustainable solutions and learning to be a changemaker; all of this has and continues to grow a culture and community of global citizens dedicated to empathetic action.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: We formed a team of 14 students of different year levels, and 2 GIN staff members. We met every week after school to plan, during the week we would take action.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: International School of The Hague

Global Issues Network @ISH
At ISH the Eco-Team is part of a bigger team called the GIN Team. GIN is a global community that revolves around young changemakers. Students who have remarked upon global societal issues. We do so by looking at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Each project group selects one goal that they focus on, and through observing the international affairs that impact said goal, come up with projects that can be executed in our own community, in order to aid the progress on their goal
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: International School of The Hague

Promotie Schoonmaakactie Melissant
Groep 7 heeft voor een project bedacht dat Melissant schoner moet. Daarom hebben de leerlingen contact gezocht met de organisator van de stichting Schoon Goeree Overflakkee. Samen hebben ze een datum geprikt voor een schoonmaakactie. Deze actie hebben de kinderen op facebook gedeeld via de site van school en de stichting, met de ouders via de nieuwsbrief en de oudercontactapp Parro. In de andere groepen zijn twee leerlingen gaan vertellen over de actie.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Zoek hulp van andere organisaties. Het afval werd nu voor ons direct afgevoerd en we konden gebruik maken van prikkers en speciale afvalzakken.
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: Zoveel mogelijk hulp krijgen bij het schoonmaken van het dorp.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: Met Stichting Schoon Goeree Overflakkee, ouders en familieleden en de groepen 1/2, 3/4 en 5/6 hebben ook meegedaan.
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- School: OBS Roxenisse

The eco-team puts together evidence of the events and eco-action plan on this website.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Share your good practices on a website.
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: We want to share with the school community what we are doing.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: The eco-team
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- School: International School Delft (ISD)