Paper reduction
The Eco Team decided to try to reduce school paper consumption by 10%, particularly targeting the amount of photocopying and printing carried out by the teaching staff. Two Eco Team members made a presentation to the Secondary Team during a staff meeting complete with informative powerpoint slides, suggesting how and where improvements could be made and alternatives to current practices.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: Share the presentation to the school as a whole, teachers, support staff and students to encourage and provide tips to the school community as whole to reduce paper consumption. We have found that our students are quite often ahead of their teachers when it comes to technology and our students were able to inform our teachers about when sharing a document was a better option than simply printing it. Posters around the photocopier helped as a reminder of our mission.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: It takes some courage to teach your teachers and we were proud of how our two Eco Team members rose to the challenge and of their confidence and conviction when presenting their views and ideas to the teaching team.
- School: International School Breda
Litter picking
Litter picking has been organised on a regular basis in both the Primary and Secondary sections of our school throughout this school year with the aim of reducing waste and improving the environment around us. Most recently a group of secondary students led by one of their teachers volunteered to pick up litter in and around the school grounds and around our school neighbourhood.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: Ask the local Council for support by borrowing litter pickers to facilitate the task at hand. We have had the support of Klassedeal with Gemeente Breda and it has proven beneficial to all in our community.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: We are proud of the enthusiasm the students show when setting out on the task, their understanding and appreciation that not only are they cleaning up the environment immediately around them but are actively engaged in a task that helps the local community.
- School: International School Breda
City Climate Change
MYP2 and MYP3 students took part in an online City Climate Challenge. It's called the Klimaatgame. Basically they had to build a city - while bearing in mind the need for housing, libraries, schools, green areas and trees etc. This was facilitated by the inventor of the game Lee Vlijter with support from Gemeente Breda. The students did this as part of a unit they were studying in Geography with Mr Caldwell.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: We have found the Gemeente Breda to be very helpful in supporting us in our sustainability learning. They have many resources and programmes available. I would advise every Eco Team to reach out to their local municipality and see what the possibilities are.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: We were proud of the genuine interest our students showed in this challenge, recognising the need for action and embracing the opportunity to try their hand at sustainable city planning. There were certain parameters that they had to work within - for example there needed to be a minimum of green areas depending on how many houses / people lived in the area. They had to think about heat stress and how to overcome challenges with water in the area.
- School: International School Breda
Groene Vlag
Het ecoteam heeft onder begeleiding van de de coach en met behulp van de schooldirecteur een feestje georganiseerd ter ere van het behalen van onze 2e Groene Vlag!
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: Wij zijn supertrots op onze tweede Groene Vlag. Wij werken er hard aan om een duurzame school te zijn en met elkaar (dus alle leerlingen en leerkrachten, maar ook de ouders) te betrekken bij de duurzame activiteiten.
- School: KinderCampus
Alle leden van Ecoschools. We zijn gaan kijken op de website van NL-doet en daar hebben wij gekeken naar lokale acties. Hier hebben wij een actie bij Beeklust gevonden en ons aangemeld. Communicatie met Beeklust is verlopen via de docent met de beheerder van de kinderboerderij.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: Goed overleggen met de docent en met de medewerkers van het bedrijf en ook met elkaar. Begin ruim op tijd en verdeel de taken goed.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: Omdat we mensen hebben kunnen helpen. De medewerkers van de kinderboerderij hadden grote klussen staan waarbij wij konden helpen zodat zij dat niet hoefden te doen.
- School:, locatie Almelo