2012_-_05_-_30_-_ISH_-_Green_Fashion_Show_6My green fashion show - 30th May 2012

Alright. So it all started when me and a friend sat down at a picnic table in the lounge, with a can of coca cola. We started talking about recycling, and how cool it would be if there would be a clothing line with plastic food labels and tin cans and stuff. And then we got to think. What if it was possible? So the idea was born. 

We held auditions, which kind of failed, and then we got advised to go see Mr.Van Vliet, head of GIN. We did, and to our pleasant surprise, he got us a lot further. Unfortunately, the friend with whom I started this moved before she could see the phenomenon, and so I was left with my other friend, who co organized it. And then we needed models and designers. We tried really hard to get people organized and enthusiastic, which eventually kind of worked, but it took a very long time. We got people to make their own clothing, and we even got some of the yr.4’s involved! Everyone looked really good, and even though me and Eilidh (the co-organizer of it (pronounced Aley)) created a dress out of paper mache which totally failed and didn’t get worn after all (real waste of the paper, by the way) We were really glad we did it, and that we got so much help with doing it, because without green week or greening the Ish, it would have stayed an initiative, and it wouldn’t have become reality. (I know, it sounds cheesy, but oh well. So much for keeping it real.) 

Nora Vos

Member Eco-Team Greening the ISH

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