The activity was organised by our Eco-Planet Team. Once our slogan, 'There's No Planet B!' was chosen, we set a poster competition for the whole school. Posters received early in the process were displayed in a central position for all children to see. After all posters were received, the Eco-Planet Team voted on their favourite poster through a points system: all members were given 5 stickers. They put their stickers on their five favourite posters. Once all stickers had been placed, we chose a winner.
Eco-Code 'There's No Planet B!'
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: Find as many ways possible to involve all children in the school.
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: Whole-school involvement. Attitude of Eco-Planet Team in setting up criteria for voting: clarity of work, showing our slogan, creativity, use of colours/textures.
- School: European School of The Hague Primary School