International School Breda

Litter picking has been organised on a regular basis in both the Primary and Secondary sections of our school throughout this school year with the aim of reducing waste and improving the environment around us. Most recently a group of secondary students led by one of their teachers volunteered to pick up litter in and around the school grounds and around our school neighbourhood.

  • Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: Ask the local Council for support by borrowing litter pickers to facilitate the task at hand. We have had the support of Klassedeal with Gemeente Breda and it has proven beneficial to all in our community.
  • Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
  • Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: We are proud of the enthusiasm the students show when setting out on the task, their understanding and appreciation that not only are they cleaning up the environment immediately around them but are actively engaged in a task that helps the local community.
  • School: International School Breda