International School Breda

This preloved market came about when we thought about our 2 chosen themes of this year - Nature and Waste. We realised that if we wanted to make our school more green we needed some funds to achieve this. We decided to combine both themes by holding a "preloved market" (a second hand clothes sale) which meant that we were engaging with the Circular Economy and not letting unwanted clothes go to landfill (Waste) It also meant that we could buy plants to gift to our school staff to make our school a more green place (Nature). The unsold items were given to a local organisation who facilitated their transport to Gambia. The clothes and shoes would be distributed there to people who really need it. The unsold books went to our free book exchange which is available to the whole community at reception.

  • Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven bij het organiseren van een activiteit/evenement?: I would advise you to get the parents involved early on. Their donations were fantastic but also their support with running the event was invaluable. Colleagues were also really supportive.
  • Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
  • Waarom zijn jullie hier trots op?: This was a lovely event which really got the whole community working together. It was well supported and it achieved our goal of making some money to be able to afford to buy plants to make our school more green. It did more than this however. It was great to see the school community come together and it was an added bonus that we could help a very worthwhile charity in Gambia.
  • School: International School Breda