Katherine MacKenzie

A group of students in the Litter & Waste Theme

  • Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Try to tell other students as you are doing this so that they stop littering
  • Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: For our service activity, my group and I are going to help stop people from littering. What we will be doing is that we will put posters on walls and lamps above garbage disposals telling them to stop littering and throw the garbage in the bins. This idea came because we see garbage on the streets almost everywhere and so people would either step on a can with a drink in it or they would forgetfully throw away candy wrappers or drop cigarette butts on the floor. This is horrible for the environment and so this is why my group and I are making posters directing people to the nearest garbage disposals so they won’t litter. The posters will tell the people what would happen if they litter. So our plan is to hang the posters in the school and in neighborhoods putting the posters on a wall or lamp and to get people's awareness just so they could help the environment by not littering anymore. For our three learning outcomes, we picked: Global Value, Collaboration and Initiative. We picked Collaboration because we expect to work together on putting up the posters, promoting our idea and if we put them in larger places, we will have to do it in groups. We have shown initiatives because even though people throwing away trash is common, we have never seen people making posters showing where the nearest trash can is. We are showing Global Value by raising awareness by people so they help keeping this planet safe and by telling others not to litter. It may be a simple idea, but if it works, it will definitely change how often people will throw away their trash and by helping the environment move further. Activity Aim The aim of our project is to promote throwing away trash to our community and all the other communities. We hope by doing this there will be a decrease of trash being thrown on the ground. After the 2-month long project in February, where we will be picking up trash twice a week for 8 weeks. We hope that the school and the surrounding communities will be cleaner and that they stay clean.
  • Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: A group of students in Litter & waste, we are in the same class at South East campus
  • Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
  • School: Amsterdam International Community School (AICS)