
School in the media: Tiny Forest
First activities with Primary students at our Tiny Forest with IVN Maastricht
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: 09-12-2020 First activities with Primary students at our Tiny Forest with IVN Maastricht
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: United World College Maastricht

School in the media: Olaya Garcia
Monthly collection of non-perishable foods, clothes and hygiene products in our community for donations to Juupu (families in need in Maastricht) at our school. A team of students ensures to communicate the upcoming collections, days and times and then collect all the bags/products and liase with Juupu for pick up.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: 19-03-2021 Monthly collection of non-perishable foods, clothes and hygiene products in our community for donations to Juupu (families in need in Maastricht) at our school. A team of students ensures to communicate the upcoming collections, days and times and then collect all the bags/products and liase with Juupu for pick up.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: United World College Maastricht

#ZeroWaste Meals Campaign
Campaigned launched in September 2021 by the Eco-Team and led by parents and students. The parents in the Eco-Team made some very nice videos that we shared with the whole community.
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: The involvement of parents in the Eco-Team is a great resource because, in some cases, they have more time than staff, are very creative and the message reaches other parents more effectively if the examples are shared by their peers.
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: We want a school free of single-use plastics and decided to start with the lunches packed by the families at home. Our main target were the parents and also the students, who need to contribute by collecting their waste and taking it back. Parents and staff also received questionnaires about their habits for packed meals, so the Eco-Team members can better understand what approaches/strategies would work better.
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: Eco-Team members: parents, staff and students who presented in the assemblies. We used the screens in the building as well to remind everyone. Year 6 students in Primary now monitor how the campaign is doing.
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: United World College Maastricht

Eco-code United World College Maastricht
BeLeaf in Change
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: Back in 2016, when students in the Environmental Action Group (EAG) applied for our first Green Flag
- Onderwijstype: Voortgezet onderwijs
- School: United World College Maastricht

Gulden klinker award
uitreiken Gulden klinker i.v.m. de groene activiteiten in en buiten de school
- Filmpje insluiten vanaf Youtube:
- Welke tips wil je andere Eco-teams geven over communicatie van jullie Eco-Team?: Pak alles aan om je school zichtbaar te verduurzamen
- Wat was het doel van deze communicatie-actie en wie wilde jullie bereiken?: ons op de picture te krijgen bij de gemeente
- Hoe hebben jullie dit georganiseerd/met wie?: Aanvraag Gulden Klinker, uitgereikt door de gemeente en daar een mooi item van gemaakt
- Onderwijstype: Basisonderwijs
- School: R.K. Basisschool De Paradijsvogel